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Albuquerque City Council Survey

The Albuquerque City Council is comprised of 9 members elected to four year terms, with half the council up for election every two years. On November 7, 2023, voters in City Council districts 2, 4, 6, and 8 will elect councilors to those seats. Unsure of what district you live in? Use the city's Find Your Councilor tool. Find info about how to register to vote and where to vote at the Bernalillo County Clerk's website.

BikeABQ is a 501c3 nonprofit, and hence cannot offer endorsements of candidates. We provide this candidate survey to help give voters information about where the various candidates stand on issues related to transportation, bicycling, and safe streets. The fact that one candidate may have responded to our survey where another candidate did not should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any kind.

También compartimos una versión de la encuesta en español con los candidatos. Como arriba, el hecho de que algún candidato respondió en español mientras otro no no se debe interpretar como aprobación.

District 2


Joaquín Baca


Loretta Naranjo Lopez


Moises Gonzalez

District 4


Brook Bassan

No response received


Abby Foster

District 8


Dan Champine

No response received


Idalia Lechuga-Tena

ABQ Bike Coalition


Biking in Burque!

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